Quaker Heritage Press > Online Texts > Isaac Penington's Works > Isaac Penington to _____ _____ (1666)


TO _______ _______


The vessel, or created nature, poisoned by sin and death, nothing can redeem, but the life and power of God revealed in the vessel. This life, this peace, this power, this righteousness, this salvation, is the Lord Jesus Christ. And he that feels any thing of this, feels somewhat of Christ; and being joined to, and <478> partaking of it, partakes somewhat of his redemption: for it is not by an outward knowledge, but by an inward virtue, and spiritual life, received from Christ, and held in Christ, that those who are saved, are saved. This is the thing of value with me, for which I have been made willing to part with all, and into this purchased possession am I daily travelling; and in my travels, the Father of life and tender mercy pleaseth to help me.

Now, to have thee gathered into this light, this life, this power, which is of Christ, and in which he is, and appears, is the desire of my soul, in uprightness of heart before the Lord, for thee: and if he please, I am willing to be instrumental in his hand, towards the bringing forth of this in thee. It is not my desire to bring forth new notions in thee; but rather that thou mightst wait on the Lord, for him to bring up his living, powerful truth in thee, wherein the knowledge of the new and living way is alone revealed.

I am a worm, I am poor, I am nothing; less than nothing, as in myself; weaker than I can express, or thou imagine; yet, in the midst of all this, the life, power, righteousness, and presence of Christ is my refreshment, peace, joy and crown: and that, to which I invite thee, is substance, everlasting substance, which thou shalt know and acknowledge in spirit to be so, as that is created and raised in thee, which can see and acknowledge it in truth. Oh! wait on the Lord, fear before him, pray for his fear, in the upright breathings (which are not of thy spirit's forming, but of his pure begetting); that thou mayst be led by him out of that wisdom which entangles, into that innocency, simplicity, and precious childishness, in which the Father appears to the soul, to break the bonds and snares of iniquity; for hereby the evil spirit not only involveth in iniquity, but also begets a belief, as if there could be no perfect redemption therefrom, till the time of redemption be over.

Thy truly loving Friend, desiring the right guidance and happiness of thy soul, by the Lord Jesus Christ, the alone skilful Shepherd and Guide, even as of my own soul.

I. P.

Aylesbury Prison, 20th of Tenth Month, 1666