Quaker Heritage Press > Online Texts > The Bunyan-Burrough Debate > Bunyan, Some Gospel-Truths Opened [4 of 6]
We shall now pass on to some other
things, the Lord willing, touching his burial, resurrection, ascension, intercession, second coming, resurrection of the body, and eternal judgment.
HIS BURIAL PROVED.--And, first, I shall prove by
several scriptures that he was buried, and so pass on. First, therefore, see that
place, Matt. xxvii. ver. 57, and so forward. After that Jesus the Son of God had been crucified
awhile, he gave up the ghost; that is, he died; and after he had been awhile dead, Joseph of
Arimathea went in to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus, and Pilate gave consent thereto. And
Joseph took the body of Jesus and wrapped it in clean linen, and laid it, viz. the body of Jesus, in
his own tomb, and rolled a stone upon the mouth of the sepulchre, and departed. (Matt.
xxvii.57-60. Also in Luke xxiii.51-53.) The Apostle Paul also teacheth so much, (1 Cor xv.3,4,)
where he saith, "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that he was buried." Again, in Acts
xiii.29, the Apostle, speaking there of Jesus Christ, saith, "And when they had fulfilled all
that was written of him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulchre."
And so much touching the burial of Jesus Christ the Son of God.
In the next place, I am to prove,
That that very man, whom the Jews did crucify between two
thieves, called JESUS CHRIST, DID RISE
AGAIN. That very man, with that very body wherewith he was crucified upon the cross,
did rise again out of the grave, in which he was laid. And this I shall prove by scriptures, by the testimony of angels, by Christ's own words after he was risen, and by the testimony of the apostles in the Scripture.
First, therefore, consider Ps. xvi.10,
where the prophet speaks on this wise of Christ's resurrection: "For thou wilt not leave my
soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption;" which words the
Apostle Peter cites in Acts ii. from ver. 22-32: also Isa. xxvi.19, in the person of Christ, saith,
"Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they rise." See also John
xx.15,16, where mention is made of his appearing unto Mary Magdalen, and he called her Mary,
and she called him Master; which signifies that he was risen, and that she knew him after his
resurrection; for he was come out of the grave. (See ver. 6-8.) Again, another scripture is that in
Luke xxiv.1-3. The disciples of Jesus coming to the sepulchre, thinking to anoint the body of
Jesus, found the stone that was on the mouth of the sepulchre rolled away; and when they went
in, they found not the body of the Lord Jesus; and at this they were troubled and perplexed. (ver.
4.) But as two of them went up to Emmaus, and were talking of what had befallen to Jesus, Jesus
himself drew near, and went with them. (ver. 15.) Another scripture is that in Mark xvi.9, which
saith on this wise: "Now, when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared
first to Mary Magdalen, out of whom he had cast seven devils." Where, take notice how the
Holy Ghost lays it down in these words, "out of whom he had cast seven devils." To
intimate to us the certainty, that it was the same Jesus that was born of the Virgin Mary, who did
many miracles, and cured many diseases, who did also cast seven devils out of Mary Magdalen,
that did rise again. Yea, saith the Holy Ghost, it was the same Jesus that did work such a
wonderful miracle on Mary; he appeared to her first, out of whom he had cast seven devils. And
let these scriptures suffice to prove the resurrection of the Son of God.
Secondly, you shall have the testimony
of the holy angels also by the Scriptures. And first look into Mark xvi.3-7: the words are these:
"And they," viz. the disciples, "said among themselves, Who shall roll away the
stone?" They had a good mind to see their Lord, but they could not, as they thought, get
away the stone which covered the mouth of the sepulchre. "And when they looked,"
that is, towards the sepulchre, "they saw the stone rolled away, for it was great; and
entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man," that is, an angel, "sitting on the
right side, clothed with a long white garment. And they," the disciples, "were
affrighted. And he said unto them, Be not afraid," you have no cause for it, "you seek
Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified. He is not here, he is risen; behold the place where they
laid him." What scripture can be plainer spoken than this? Here is an angel of the Lord
ready to satisfy the disciples of Jesus, that he was risen from the dead. And lest they should think
it was not the right Jesus he spoke of, Yes, saith he, it is the same Jesus that you mean; you seek
Jesus of Nazareth, do you not? Why, he is risen, he is not here. But do you speak seriously, and in
good earnest? Yea, surely; if you will not believe me, behold the place where they laid him. This
scripture or testimony is very clear to our purpose. But again, the next place is in Matt. xxviii.3-7.
In the third verse there is an angel, as before, bearing witness of the resurrection of Jesus.
"His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow; and for fear of him the
keepers did shake, and became as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto them,"
viz. to the women who came to seek Jesus, "Fear you not:" but let them that seek to
keep the Lord in his grave fear,
if they will; for you have no ground of fear, who seek Jesus who
was crucified. He is not here, for he is risen; he cannot be in body here and risen too. If you will
not believe me, come, see where the Lord lay, and go quickly and tell his disciples that he is risen
from the dead; and behold, he goeth before you into Galilee, there shall you see him. But shall we
be sure of it? Yea, saith the angel, lo, it is I that have told you. See how plainly this scripture also
doth testify of Christ his resurrection. Here, saith the angel, you seek a Saviour, and none will
content you but he, even the same that was crucified. Well, you shall have him, but he is not here.
Why, where is he then? He is risen from the dead. But are you sure it is the same that we look
for? Yea, it is the same that was crucified. (ver. 5.) But where should we find him? Why, he goeth
before you into Galilee, where he used to be in his lifetime, before he was crucified. And that you
might be sure of it there to find him, know that he is an angel of God that hath told you. (ver. 7.)
And thus have you in brief the testimony of the angels of God, to witness that Jesus the Son of the
Virgin, the Son of God, is risen from the dead.
Object. But you will say, might they not be deceived? Might not their eyes dazzle, and they might think they did see such a thing when indeed there was no such matter?
Ans. Well, because it is so difficult a matter to be persuaded of the truth of this thing, that Christ is raised again out of the grave, that very man, with that very body; though these things that have been already spoken might be enough, through grace, to satisfy, yet because of the unbelief of some, we shall turn to some more of those infallible proofs that are spoken of in Acts i.3, to prove the point yet more clear.
Thirdly. And therefore, first of all, do but see
how the Lord doth deal with an unbelieving disciple. (John xx.23-28.) You shall see, in ver. 23,
Christ after his resurrection is talking with his disciples, but Thomas was not with them. But when
the disciples saw him again, they said
unto him, "We have seen the Lord," (ver. 25;) but Thomas
would not believe them. Another time Jesus comes to his disciples again, and then Thomas was
with them; then so soon as the Lord had said, "Peace be unto you," he turned himself
to Thomas, and said to him, "Thomas, reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and
reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side; and be not faithless but believing." (ver.
27.) As much as if the Lord should have said,
Come, Thomas thou hast doubted of
the truth of my resurrection very much; thou sayest that thou wilt not believe, except thou do feel
with thy fingers the print of the nails, and do thrust thy hand into my side; come, Thomas, reach
hither thy finger, and behold my hands, and see if there was not the nails driven through them: and
reach hither thy hands, and thrust them into my side, and feel if I have not the very hole in it still
that was made with the spear that the soldier did thrust into it; and be not so full of unbelief, but
believe that my resurrection is a glorious truth.
Another infallible proof, is that in Luke xxiv, from the 36th to the end
of the 44th verse. In ver. 36 it is said that the Lord, even while they were talking, "stood in
the midst of them, and said, "Peace be unto you." But they were so far from being at
peace, that they were terrified, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. And Jesus said to them,
"Why are ye troubled, and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?" What, do you think
that I am a spirit? Do you think your eyes dazzle? "Behold my hands and my feet."
Look well upon me, and see my hands, and the holes in them, and likewise my feet and the holes
in them, and know that it is I myself, and not a spirit, as you suppose. Know, that it is I myself,
and not another. Doth your hearts fail you? Then take hold of me with your hands, yea,
"handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. And when he
had spoken these things, he showed them his hands and his feet." As if he had said, Come,
do not be
daunted nor affrighted, but consider that it is I myself. Well, they could not believe as yet, but
wondered that such a thing as this should be. And while they were thus wondering he will give
them another infallible proof: And "he said unto them, Have you here any meat?"
(ver. 41.) As if the Lord had said, Come, my disciples, I see that you are very full of unbelief, if
you have here any meat, you shall see me eat before you all. And they gave him a piece of a
broiled fish, and of an honeycomb, "and he
took it, and did eat before them." Again,
(ver. 42,) the Lord strives with another infallible proof against their doubting, saying, My
disciples, do you not remember what discourse you and I had before I was crucified; how that I
told you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses, and in the
prophets concerning me? Another infallible proof was, that appearance of his at the sea of
Tiberias, where he came to them on the shore, and called them, and provided for them a dinner,
and wrought a notable miracle while he was there with them at that time, namely, the catching of
one hundred and fifty-three great fishes, and yet their net brake not;
which as it was a great miracle, so it
did also show his power and authority over his creatures. Besides his eating and drinking with his
disciples after his resurrection, and also his preaching to them, (Acts i.3,) this is not the least, viz.,
that he was with his disciples on earth forty days, which was almost six weeks, speaking to them
the things concerning his kingdom; which was a mighty confirmation of their faith in his
Fourthly, I shall now briefly touch two or three
which hold forth
his disciples' testimony of his resurrection. And the first is in Acts
x.40,41; in which place the Apostle, speaking of the Lord Jesus, saith, "Him God raised up
the third day, and sheweth him openly," yet "not to all the people, but unto witnesses
chosen before of God, even to us," saith the Apostle, "who did eat and drink with him
after he was risen from the dead." Again, Acts iv.10, and xiii.29-31: The words run thus;
the Apostle, speaking of Jesus, saith, "And when they had fulfilled all that was written of
him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulchre. But God raised him from the
dead, and he was seen many days of them which came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem,
who are his witnesses unto the people." And thus far touching his resurrection from the
In the next place, I am to prove
that this very man, Christ Jesus, the Son of the Virgin, in his very
body, the same body that was crucified, is above the clouds and the heavens,
And though this is made light of by those men called Quakers, and other infidels of this
generation, yet I am sure that it will prove true to their cost, who reject it as erroneous and vain.
But to prove it, first, I shall prove that he is
ascended. Secondly, that he is ascended above the
clouds, and the heaven.
For the first, that he is ascended, see
Eph. iv.8-10. "Wherefore," saith the Apostle, "when he ascended up on high, he
led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. Now that he ascended, what is it but that he
descended first into the lower parts of the earth; he that descended is the same that also ascended
(again) up far above all heavens."
Again, read John xx.17, where Christ after his resurrection from the dead saith to Mary Magdalen, "Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my Father;" that is, I have not yet ascended with this my body wherewith I was crucified on the cross. "But go to my brethren, and tell them," meaning his disciples, "that I do ascend to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God."
But in that place, may some
say, (Eph. iv.10,) he that descended is said to be the same that ascended. Now there was no
human nature with God in heaven before the world was; therefore if he be but the same that was
with the Father from all eternity, then the humanity of the Son of Mary is not ascended into
Ans. First, for
answer, It is clear from John i.1 that the Word, or Son of God, as he was a Spirit,
was with the
Father before the world was. But now in the fulness of time, that is, when that time that the
Father and he had concluded on was come,
"God sent forth his Son,"
which was with him before the world was, (John xvii.5,) "made of a woman," that is,
born of a woman. "And he took on him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness
of men." (Phil. ii.6,7.)
Now as he was born of a woman, as
he was in the likeness of men, so he ascended to the right hand of his Father, in our nature.
And for this, I pray turn to Acts i.9-11,
and there you shall find, that he is the same that was born of the Virgin, that very man that was
crucified; if you compare ver. 3 with ver. 9-11, you will find it so to be. Now in
ver. 9, after he had
spoken many things, while they beheld, that is, while his disciples looked on him, he was taken up,
that is, he was taken up from them into heaven, (as in ver. 11,) and a cloud received him out of
their sight. And while they looked up stedfastly towards heaven, as he went up--(which heaven
was not within them; if it had, they needed not to have looked toward the clouds and the heaven
without them)--behold two men stood by them, not in them, in white apparel, which also
said--(that is, the two men, or angels which stood by them said)--"Ye men of Galilee, why
stand ye gazing up into heaven?" Here, again, they did not look within them, but stood
gazing or looking after the Lord Jesus, the Son of Mary, who was carried away from them in a
cloud. (ver. 9.) But why, say the angels, do you stand gazing so much into heaven? your Master
will come again after a certain time.
For, this same Jesus, namely, which was crucified, which rose again,
and hath been with you these forty days, which also you see go into heaven, shall so come,
(namely, in a cloud,) as ye have seen him go into heaven. But shall he not lose his body before he
come again? No, say the angels, he shall so come, that is, as ye have seen him go; in like manner,
that is, with the same body. Or else I am sure he cannot come in the same manner, if he lose his
body before he comes again; for he went thither with that body. But that same Jesus that was
crucified, is he that went, or ascended up into heaven. If you compare Luke xxiv.39-43 with the
50th and 51st verses of the same chapter, you may clearly find it so to be. And therefore if he
come again in like manner, he must come again with the same body wherewith he was
Object. But you will say, The scripture saith, he that descended is the same that ascended, which to me, say you, implies, none but the Spirit's ascending.
Ans. For answer, we do not say, as I said before, that
it is another that ascended, but the very same; that is, the very same Christ that was with the
Father from everlasting did come down from heaven. That same Christ also that came down from
heaven did ascend up thither again; only, he descended without a body from heaven, and took
flesh and blood upon him from the Virgin. And though he descended without a body, yet he, the
very same Christ that descended without a body, the same did ascend again with a body, even that
very body that he took of the Virgin Mary. (See Luke xxiv.39-51. Acts ii.30,31.)
Now let me give you a similitude, for it is
warrantable, for both Christ and his apostles did sometimes use them, to the end, souls might be
better informed.
(John xv.1. 1 Cor. ix.24,25.) The similitude is this: Suppose there come into thine house a man
that is naked, and without clothing, though he go out of thy house again well clothed, yet the
same man that came in without clothing is the same man also that goes out of thy house, though
very well clothed. Even so it is in this case; the Lord Jesus came into the womb of the Virgin,
Spirit, (Matt.
i.18;) but he came out of the womb clothed with a body, and went up into heaven again clothed
with a body. Compare Luke xxiv.39, with Acts i.11, and ii.30,31.
Now also I shall lay down some few
things to be considered, for the better clearing of it.
1. Consider that he did say to his disciples that he would go away from them. (John xiv.3; xvi.7. Matt. xxv.19.) Yea, saith he, I go and prepare a place for you, and then I will, after a long time, come again, and take you to myself, that where I am, that is, whither I am going, there ye may be also. Now, I say, if Christ had not gone from his disciples, (for that was his meaning,) touching his bodily presence; I say, if he had not gone away from them, in respect of his bodily presence, he had said more than he had performed; which is horrible blasphemy once to assert; which going of his is his going into heaven. (See 1 Pet. iii.22.)
2. Consider that there it was that he was to receive the promise of the Father, (Luke
xxiv.49-51,) which promise was the shedding forth in an abundant manner the blessed Holy
Ghost. And for this see Acts ii.33-36. "Therefore being by the right hand of God,"
which is in heaven, "exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy
Ghost, he hath shed forth this which ye now see and hear. For David is not ascended into the
heavens, but he saith himself: The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy
footstool. Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, for
it is very true that God hath made that same
Jesus whom
have crucified both Lord and Christ."
3. Consider that if he were on earth, he could not be a priest. (Heb. viii.4.) Now the man Christ Jesus is a glorious priest, (Heb. vii.24,) in the heavens, (Heb. ix.24;) and therefore he is able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. (That man, ver. 25.)
4. If he be not gone into heaven, both his own and his Apostles' doctrine is false; yea, the witness of the angels also, (1 Pet. iii.22. Acts i.9-11,) which to think were damnable infidelity in any man.
5. Know that he is gone into heaven, because the Scriptures say he is, (Eph. vi.9. 1 Pet. iii.22. Heb. ix.24,) which is the very truth of God, spoken by his holy apostles and prophets: yea, holy men of God spake them as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
6. Consider, if thou sayest that that man is not gone into heaven, then thou must also
conclude that he is still in the grave: and if so, then thou sayest that the prophets, apostles, angels,
Christ, God, and all are liars, who have testified these things in the Scriptures for glorious truths.
(Isa. xxvi.19. Acts x.40-42; xiii.30,34,36-38; i.9-11. Rev. i.17,18; ii.8.) And as the
Apostle saith of himself, and the rest of the Apostles and ministers of Jesus Christ, "And we
are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God, that he raised up Christ,
whom he raised not up, if so be the dead rise not. But now is Christ risen, and become the
first-fruits of them that sleep. For as by man came death, by MAN came also the
resurrection from the dead." (1 Cor. xv.15,20,21.)
Secondly. Now I am to prove that he is above the clouds and the heavens.
My meaning is, he is above the lowest heavens.
For there are three, as appears in 2
Cor. xii.1-4: "I know a man in Christ," saith Paul there, "caught up into the
third heaven." Now,
Heaven in Scripture is taken
sometimes metaphorically and sometimes properly. 1. Metaphorically it is taken for the church
and people of God, as in Rev. xii.12. 2. Properly it is taken for the material heaven, where the sun,
moon, and stars are placed, as in Gen. i.8,14-16, compared together: above which heaven Jesus
the Son of Mary is ascended.
Therefore I pray you consider with me a
That when he went
into this heaven into which he is gone, he went AWAY from his disciples, as it is
written, "If I go not away, the Comforter will not come," (John xiv.2,3; xvi.7. Acts
i.9-11;) so that he did not go into a heaven within them in his person and human nature. If so, he
must needs go into that heaven without, above the clouds and the stars. (Gen. i.8,15,16.)
2. Consider, he was caught away in a cloud; yea, he was caught upwards from them, as it is Acts i.9-11, and carried away into heaven; yea, and his disciples stood gazing or looking up after him into heaven, which heaven must needs be that above the clouds.
(1.) If you consider the posture of the disciples; they looked upwards after the cloud that did take him away.
(2.) Consider the manner of his going; it was in a cloud.
(3.) He was received out of their sight.
(4.) And so received up into heaven; which heaven must needs be above the clouds, where God is in his special presence. (Job xxii.12-14.) But further,
3. Consider that those believers that are alive at this
day in the body, "are absent from the Lord," (2 Cor v.6;) but now, if the man Christ
were ascended into that heaven within them, he would neither be absent from them, nor they from
him; but in that
he is absent from them
touching his bodily presence, and they from him touching the same, it is evident that that heaven
into which he is ascended, must needs be without, above the clouds.
4. Consider, that that heaven into which the man Christ is ascended
must contain him till the time of the restitution of all things, as in Acts iii.21; into which heaven he hath been ascended above sixteen hundred years
by computation. And I am sure there is not a saint that doth live in
the world half so long, before he fall asleep,
and be gathered to his fathers; so that that heaven into which he is
ascended is not within, but must needs be that above the clouds.
5. Consider, that he that ascended from his
disciples was a man with flesh and bones, not a spirit only; for, "handle me, and see,"
saith he, "for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have." (Luke
Now, let the adversaries show by the
Scriptures that there is any place in them called heaven, that is able to contain a man of some
four or five
feet long, the space of fifteen or sixteen hundred years; besides that,
therefore, it must needs be that heaven without, which is above the clouds and stars.
6. Consider, that heaven into which the Lord Jesus, that man, is ascended must not contain
him always; for, saith the Apostle, (1 Thess. iv.16,) "The Lord himself shall descend from
heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel." So that there is another descending
from that heaven into which he is ascended; and his descending from that heaven is to this end,
namely, to take his people to himself, as it is, ver. 17; so that it is clear that it is not any heaven
within thee, into which the man Christ that was born of the Virgin Mary is ascended, but it must
needs be that heaven without, which is above the clouds. (Heb. xii.22.) If thou consider that
the place into which he ascended, even the heaven into which he is entered, is the same place
where all the deceased saints are in their spirits: "Therefore," saith Paul, "I
desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is
far better." Now Paul did not in this
place, (Phil. i.23,) mean the enjoying of Christ only in the Spirit; for that he enjoyed in
great measure when
he spake these words; but he
spake of a dying, and being with Christ after this life is ended; as is clear
if you compare verses 20-26 together, being absent from him while he was here in the body. (2
Cor. v.6.) For, "whilst at home in the body we are absent from the Lord."
7. So that that heaven into which the man Christ is ascended, is not into his church on earth, but into heaven without, above the clouds and the stars. (John xvi.6,7; xiv.1-3. 1 Tim. ii.5.) And this David doth prophecy of, (Ps. xlvii.5,) where he saith, "God is gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet." Now, Christ as God merely could not go up, being no less in one place than another; but as God-man, or in his human nature, he went up; as will clearly appear, Eph. iv.8-10, where he speaketh of his triumph over all the enemies of his people at his resurrection and ascension into heaven above the clouds.
8. When Christ doth descend from that heaven into which he is now ascended, his saints and he will meet one another, just in the air, according to the Scripture. (1 Thess. iv.16,17.) "For," saith he, "the Lord will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first," (that is, they shall come out of their graves,) "and then we which shall be saved alive (at that day) and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
Pray mark here a little, and see what heaven the man Christ is ascended into, and see if it be not the heaven without, above the sun, moon, and stars.
When Christ and his saints do meet a second time together, the one ascends and the other descends; the one is caught up in the clouds towards the heaven, the other descends from heaven towards the earth, and they must needs meet one another just in the air, that is, between the heaven and the earth. So then, the one coming from heaven and the other from the earth, and their meeting being in the air, which is between heaven and earth, (Phil. iii.20. 1 Thess. i.10,) is an undeniable demonstration, that that heaven into which the man Christ is ascended, must needs be that heaven without, above the sun, moon, and stars. And thus much touching the Son of Mary, his ascending up into the heaven without, above the clouds. (Acts i.9-11; iii.21. 1 Pet. iii.22.)
In the next place, now, I shall prove
the intercession of the man
Christ Jesus to be in the heaven that I have been speaking of; though some have mocked at it, and
others have called it juggling, which names here I shall not mention, only I shall admonish them,
that they do not blaspheme the truth
of the Son of God in his intercession.
I shall quote some of the scriptures that hold out this truth, and so pass on.
I. And first of all, see Ps. xvi.4, where David, prophesying of the intercession of Christ, saith, "Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another God, (speaking of the wicked;) their drink-offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips." Now, compare this with Heb. viii.4, where he saith, "If he were on earth, he should not be a priest." And Heb. ix.24: "For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands," (meaning the temple which Solomon built,) "which are figures of the true: but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us;" "wherefore he is able to save to the uttermost them that come to God by him, seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them." (Heb. vii.25.)
II. But you will say, Is there a man made mention of here? Yes, for the Scripture saith,
"There is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."
And in
that 8th to the Hebrews made mention of before, where the Apostle
speaking of Christ's priestly office, as he is in
the heavens, compared with other priests that are on earth; he saith, ver. 3, "For every high
priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices: wherefore," speaking of Christ, "it is of
necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer: for if he were on earth, he should not be a
priest, seeing there are priests that offer according to the law," which law was the law of
Moses, (chap. ix.19-23;) where also he is speaking of the priesthood of the priests under the law,
and their offering of the blood of bulls and goats. (ver. 12, comp. with ver. 19-21.) And of the
Lord Jesus the high priest of saints, and of his blood. (ver. 14, comp. with ver. 24.) Now as men
under the law did offer up the blood of bulls and goats, so the man Christ Jesus did offer up his
own blood to his Father; and this you may clearly see, if you comp. Heb. ix.14, where he saith,
"How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself
without spot to God, purge your consciences from dead works to serve the living God?"
(Heb. x.12:)
where he saith, "But this man," (meaning the Son of the Virgin, chap. ii.14, compared
with Matt. i.21,) "after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down at the right
hand of God." Again, Heb. vii. the chap. I mentioned before, you shall find his intercession
plainly held forth, if you read ver. 22 and so on, where the scripture saith, "By so much was
Jesus made the surety of a better testament. And truly
there were many priests," (meaning the
priests under the law,) "because they were not suffered to continue by reason of
death," (that is, the
high-priest under the law could not live ever in this world, because it was
appointed to all men once to die.) But when he speaks of Christ Jesus, he saith on this wise,
"But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood; wherefore
he" (this man) "is able to save to the uttermost them that come to God by him, seeing
he" (this man) "ever liveth to make intercession for them." And thus in brief
have I proved, through the assistance of the Lord, the intercession of the Son of Mary, which is
also the Son of God. And this concerning Christ's priestly office, might serve also for a proof of
his being in the heaven without, above the stars. But all men may see, unless they be blind, that
these are the truths of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of God his Father; and that those men that
oppose them, as the Quakers do, are very violently possessed of the devil, and
besides themselves;
and have neither the truth of God, nor his Spirit in them. (2 John 9,10; Joh. v.38,42.)