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Online Texts >
The Old Discipline >
It is recommended that in every monthly meeting a proper
number of faithful and judicious men and women belonging to each
of the particular or preparative meetings, be appointed to the
station of overseers within the same: whose duty it is to
exercise a vigilant and tender care over their fellow members;
that if any thing repugnant to the harmony and good order of the
society appears among them, it may be timely attended to and not
neglected. And to prevent the introduction of all unnecessary
and premature complaints to meetings of business, it is advised
if any member shall have cause of complaint against another, that
it be mentioned to the overseers, who are to see that the party
complained of has been treated with according to gospel order,
previously to the case being reported to the preparative or
monthly meeting. And it is desired that in dealing with any, it
be done in the spirit of meekness and love, patiently endeavouring
to instruct and advise them; which, if ineffectual, the
preparative meeting should be informed thereof; that, if needful
the case may be laid before the monthly meeting, of which, notice
should be given to the party, when it can be conveniently done.
It is further recommended to our monthly meetings that a committee
be appointed at least once in three years, or as much oftener
as the occasion may require, to consider the propriety of
changing the overseers and bringing forward in the improvement of
their gifts, other Friends on whom a concern for the welfare of
the society rests. And we tenderly exhort all our members who
may be rightly called into this or any other service of the
church, not hastily to excuse themselves therefrom, but solidly
to ponder the weighty advice of the apostle, "Feed the flock of
God, which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by
constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready
mind; neither as lords over God's heritage; but being ensamples
to the flock: and when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall
receive a crown of glory, that fadeth not away." -- 1806.