Quaker Heritage Press > Online Texts > The Old Discipline > Meeting Houses


It is recommended to quarterly and monthly meetings to make timely and careful inspection into the situation of the titles of meeting houses, burial grounds, and other estates which have been vested in trustees, and by them held for the use and benefit of the society at large, or of any of those meetings; so that if it should appear needful by the death of any such trustees or otherwise, due and seasonable care may be taken to appoint some others to the trust; that future difficulties and the risk of being deprived of such estates may be avoided. And it is further recommended that quarterly and monthly meetings respectively as the case may require, keep exact records of all such trusts and conveyances, and also that a clear and regular account be kept by each respective meeting, of the place where, and the persons with whom the papers, minutes and records belonging to our religious society are from time to time deposited; wherein due care should be taken to lodge them with suitable Friends.

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