Paul Anderson
Lewis Benson
Everett L. Cattell
- Worship. An address given before worship at the Fourth World Conferecne of Friends.
Copyrighted, courtesy of Friends World Committee for Consultation.
T. Eugene Coffin.
- A View From The Facing Bench. Also from the 1967 FWCC conference, printed with
permission; Coffin emphasizes the need for a personal relationship with God.
Maurice Creasey
- Christ in Early Quakerism. Another short piece, calling us back to the original focus that made
Friends something different and worthwhile.
- Worship. Also from the Fourth World Conference of Friends; copyrighted and printed here
courtesy of Friends World Committee for Consultation.
David Finke
Donald Green.
- Blessed are the Peacemakers. A pamphlet from Barclay Press, originally reprinted from The
Evangelical Friend. One of the best contemporary presentations of the Peace Testimony I have
seen, taking it away from the passive "we don't" realm. Reprinted courtesy of Barclay Press.
Gerald K. Hibbert
- A Plea For A Deeper Ministry. A plea to turn away from shallowness and return to a gospel
ministry with depth and substance. Just as perinent now as it was in 1933, probably more.
- Self Expression. Asking what kind of self are we going to express and whether we want our
self to express Christ.
- Vocation. Written from the larger, Quaker and Christian perspective of surrender to the will
and presence of God. What really happens when we surrender to the Divine Will? Clearly it
does not mean the annihilation of our own will, but the blending of that will with the Will of
God. Our own becomes the fuller and the deeper in the process, only it ceases to be in the
narrow sense "our own." As we practice the presence of God we realize we are in contact
with a greater enfolding Personality, and so our own personality is stimulated.
Thomas Kelley
- Friends and Decided Friends. Kelley reminds us again that there are seekers out there who may
be looking to us, who will not be satisfied "confused and shilly shally faiths" or "the average,
jogtrot, impeccable insipidity of so many modern, Laodicean Quakers."
Gregg T. Lamm
- Equal But Equal. A pamphlet on equality from Barclay Press. Copyrighted, reprinted
permission of Barclay Press.