Webb, Maria. The Penns and Peningtons of the Seventeenth Century, etc. London: F. Bowyer Kitto, 1867, pages 345-346.

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Dear Stephen,

We know one another. I need not say much to thee; but this I will say, that thy parting dwells with me, or rather thy love at my parting. How innocent, how tender, how like the little child that has no guile. The Lord will bless that ground (Philadelphia). I have also had a letter from thee which comforted me; for many are my trials, yet not more than my supplies from my Heavenly Father, whose glory I seek. and surely, Stephen, there is work enough to be done, and room to work in. Surely God will come in for a share in this planting-work, and that leaven shall leaven the lump in time. I do not believe the Lord's providence had run this way towards me, but that He has an heavenly end and service in it. So with Him I leave all, and thee, and His dear people.