John Wilbur
Wilbur, John. A Narrative and Exposition of the Late Proceedings of New England Yearly Meeting, With Some of its Subordinate Meetings & Their committees, in Relation to the Doctrinal Controversy Now Existing in the Society of Friends: Prefaced by a Concise View of the Church, Showing the Occasion of its Apostacy, both Under the Former and Present Dispensations, With an Appendix. Edited from Record Kept, From Time to Time, of Those Proceedings, and Interspersed With Occasional Remarks and Observations. Addressed to the Members of the Said Yearly Meeting. New York: Piercy & Reed, Printers, 1854, pages 277-325.
(All italics added by J.W. for emphasis. All words supplied in
[Square Brackets] by J.W.
Page numbers from original publication by -pds in {Set Brackets.}
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{p. 305} Contrast the above with--
Robert Barclay (Apol. Prop. XL p. 351; &c.): "We judge it the duty
of all to be diligent in the assembling of themselves together--and when
assembled, the great work of one and all ought to be to wait upon God;
returning out of their own thoughts and imaginations, to feel the
Lord's presence, and know a gathering into his name indeed, where
he is in the midst, according to his promise. And as every one is
gathered, and so met together inwardly in their spirits, as well as outwardly
in their persons, there, the secret power and virtue of life is known to
refresh the soul, and the pure motions and breathings of God's Spirit are
felt to arise; from which, as words of declaration, pravers or praises
arise, the acceptable worship is known, which edifies the church, and is
well pleasing to God. And no man here limits the Spirit of God; but every
one puts that forth which tho Lord puts into their hearts: and it is uttered
forth, not in man's will and wisdom, but in the evidence and demonstration
of the Spirit, and of power. Yea, though there be not a word spoken, yet
is the true spiritual worship performed, and the body of Christ edified;
yea, it may, and hath often fallen out among us that divers meetings have
passed without one word; and yet our souls have been greatly edified and
refreshed, and our hearts wonderfully overcome with the secret sense of
God's power and spirit."
William Penn (PrimitiveChristianity Revived, chap.X.): "As the
Lord wrought effectually, by his divine grace in the hearts of this people,
so he thereby brought them to a divine worship and ministry: Christ's
words they came to experience, viz., that God was a Spirit, and that he
would therefore be worshipped in the spirit, and in the truth, and that
such worshippers the Father would seek to worship him? For, bowing to the
convictions of the Spirit in themselves, in their daily course of living,
by which they were brouglit to eschew that which was made manifest to them
to be evil, and to do that which' was good, they, in their assembling together,
sat down and waited for the preparation of {p. 306} his Holy Spirit, both
to let them see their own states and conditions before the Lord, and to
worship Him acceptably; and as they were sensible of wants, or shortness,
or infirmities, so in the secret of their own hearts, prayer would spring
to God, through Jesus Christ, to help, assist and supply: but they did
not dare to 'awaken their beloved before his time,' or approach the throne
of the King of Glory, till he held out his sceptre; or take thought what
they should say, or after their own, or other men's studied
words and forms; for this were to offer strange fire, &c." So that
it is this people's principle, that fire must come from heaven, life and
power from God, to enable the soul to pour out itself acceptably before
him. And when a coal from His holy altar touches our lips, then can we
pray and praise Him as we ought to do."
I. Penington (Works Vol. II. p. 249.): "What is the worship,
or what are the sacrifices, which the true worshippers offer up to God
in this holy place?--Answer.--the gifts of His Spirit. These they offer
up, and nothing else. The breathings which the Father gives into the heart
of the child, they are breathed back unto Him in the same spirit of life;
in the living sense, in the quickening Power. Nothing of man's wisdom,
nothing of man's invention, nothing accoroding to man s will, nothing that
would please the flesh, or seem glorious in its eye, is offered up there;
but the exhortations, or directions,or reproofs, that spring up in God's
light, in God's wisdom, they are given forth in the leadings, and by the
guidance of His Spirit, and they reach to the hearts of those to whom He
pleased to direct them. And this is the ground of such meetings, and breakings,
and convictions of soul, (and such like inward operations) as are frequently
found in such assemblies. For the living God is there, and the dread of
His power overspreads the hearts of such as are gathered into and assembled
in His name; and the life springs in the earthen vessels, and the Saviour
is precious to all that have their spiritual senses."