John Wilbur
Wilbur, John. A Narrative and Exposition of the Late Proceedings of New England Yearly Meeting, With Some of its Subordinate Meetings & Their committees, in Relation to the Doctrinal Controversy Now Existing in the Society of Friends: Prefaced by a Concise View of the Church, Showing the Occasion of its Apostacy, both Under the Former and Present Dispensations, With an Appendix. Edited from Record Kept, From Time to Time, of Those Proceedings, and Interspersed With Occasional Remarks and Observations. Addressed to the Members of the Said Yearly Meeting. New York: Piercy & Reed, Printers, 1854, pages 277-325.
(All italics added by J.W. for emphasis. All words supplied in
[Square Brackets] by J.W.
Page numbers from original publication by -pds in {Set Brackets.}
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Contrast the above with--
Robert Barclay (Apol. Prop. XI, p. 340): "We may not therefore
think with the papists, that these days are holy, and lead people
into a superstitious observation of them; being persuaded that all days
are alike holy in the sight of God." "We not seeing any ground in
Scripture for it, cannot be so superstitious as to believe,
that either the Jewish Sabbath now continues, or that the first day
of the week is the antitype thereof, or the true Christian Sabbath;
which with Calvin we believe to have a more spiritual sense, and therefore
we know no moral obligation by the fourth commandment, or elsewhere,
to keep the first day of the week more than any other, or any holiness
inherent in it. But first, forasmuch as it is necessary that titere be
some time set apart for the saints to meet together to wait upon God; and
that secondly, it is fit that at some times they be freed from their other
outward affairs; and that thirdly, reason and equity doth allow that servents
and beasts have some time allowed them to be eased from their continued
labor; and that fourthly, it appears that the apostles and primitive Christians
did use the first day of the week for these purposes; we find ourselves
sufficiently moved for these causes to do so also, without superstitiously
straining the Scriptures for another reason, which, that it is not to be
there found, many Protestants, yea, Calvin himself, upon the fourth command,
hath abundantly evinced. And though we therefore meet, and abstain from
working upon this day, yet doth that not hinder us from having meetings
also for worship at other times."
(Truth Cleared, &c., Works, p. 204, Vol. I.): "And the Lord's people
have frequent times, more than once a week, wherein, laying aside their
outward affairs for a season, they may and do meet together to Wait upon
the Lord, and be quickened, refreshed, and instructed by Him, and worship
Him in his spirit, and may be useful unto one another in exholtation, or
admonition, {p.301} or any other way, as the Lord shall furnish." "And
it were said, if the Lord had only allowed but one day of seven unto this
effect." "And our souls do oft bless the Lord, in allowing us many times
of refreshment and strengthening, to the establishing and confirming us
in his love and life, and disburdening our minds of earthly things much
more frequently than in one day of seven," &c, &c.
George Fox (Journal, Vol. II., p. 188): "For we were redeemed
out of days by Christ Jesus, and brought into the day which hath sprung
from on high, and are come into him who is Lord of the Jewish Sabbath,
and the substance of the Jews' signs."--See also Discipline of Philadelphia
Yearly Meeting on this subject.
J. J. Curnest, (Observations, p. 291, 7th edit.): "No one can, .with any show of reason, deny that our Lord's precept respecting our entering into the closet~shutting the door~and praying to our Father, who sooth in secret, is to be understood literallF; and therefore such a practice, as far as circumstances allow, is universally incumbent upon Christians. If we would grow in .grace, and in the knbwledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, it must be our frequent practice--especlally at the commencement and end of each day--to retire into solitude, and there seek for ability to pour out our prayers to theLord, with a diligent and fervent spirit. Nor ought we to forget, that we may beassisted in the performance of this Christian duty, by kneeling down in a deliberate and solemn manner, &c. (p. 292.) "To the occasional use of the prayer which our Lord condescended to recite, I cannot conceive that any reflecting Christian can for a moment object: and I believe that our cMl~ren ought to be accustomed to it from earlst
(On Love to God, p. 77.) "With respect to our children,
more particularly, it ia surely our duty, by watchful instruction, and
sometimes by uniting with .thoro in their private religious exercises,
to train thera