John Wilbur
Wilbur, John. A Narrative and Exposition of the Late Proceedings of New England Yearly Meeting, With Some of its Subordinate Meetings & Their committees, in Relation to the Doctrinal Controversy Now Existing in the Society of Friends: Prefaced by a Concise View of the Church, Showing the Occasion of its Apostacy, both Under the Former and Present Dispensations, With an Appendix. Edited from Record Kept, From Time to Time, of Those Proceedings, and Interspersed With Occasional Remarks and Observations. Addressed to the Members of the Said Yearly Meeting. New York: Piercy & Reed, Printers, 1854, pages 277-325.
(All italics added by J.W. for emphasis. All words supplied in
[Square Brackets] by J.W.
Page numbers from original publication by -pds in {Set Brackets.}
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Contrast the above with
Robert Barclay (Apol. Prop. II. pp. 33 & 34, American edit.):
"The fourth thing affil~ned is, that these revelations [the immediate revelation
of Christ by the Holy Spirit] were the objects of the saints' faith of
old. This will easily appear by the definition of faith, and considering
what its object is; for which we shall not dive into the curious and various
notions of the school-men, but stay on the plain and positive words of
the apostle Paul, who (Heb. xi.) describes it two ways: 'Faith (saith he)
is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen;'
which, as the apostle illustrateth it in the same chapter by many examples,
is no other but a firm and certain belief of the mind, whereby it
and in a sense possesseth the substance of some things hoped for, through
its confidence in the promise of God; and thus the soul hath a most
firm evidence, by its faith, of things not yet seen or come to pass.
The object of this faith is the promise, word, or,
God, speaking in the mind. Hence it hath been generally affirmed, that
the object of faith is Deus loquens, &c., that is, God speaking,
&c., which is also manifest from all those examples deduced by the
apostle throughout that whole chapter, whose faith was founded neither
upon any outward testimony, nor upon the voice or writing of man, but upon
the revelation on God's will manifest unto them and in them."
(p. 37.) "Moreover, if the faith of the ancients were not one
and the same with ours, i. e. agreeing in substartce therewith, and receiving
the same definition, it had been impertinent for the apostle (Heb. xi.)
to have illustrated the definition of our faitla by the examples of that
of the ancients, or to go about to move us by the example of Abraham, if
Abraham's faith were different in nature from ours. Nor doth any difference
arise hence, because they believed in Christ with respect to his appearance
outwardly as future, and we as already appeared; for neither did they then
so believe in him to come, as not to feel him present with them, and witness
him near; seeing the apostle saith, 'They all drank of that spiritual rock
which followed them, which rock was Christ; nor do we so believe concerning
his appearance past, as not also to feel and know him present with us,
and to feed upon him, '
William Penn (Prim. Christ. Rev. Chap. XI.) : "Yet we are very
ready to declare to the whole world, that we cannot think men and women
can be saved by their belief of the one [Christ's coming in the
flesh] without the sense and experience of the other [His inward and spiritual
George Fox (Journal, Leeds edit. Vol. II. p. 217): "They whose
faith doth not stand in the power of God, cannot exalt his kingdom
that stands in power; therefore every one's faith must stand in the power
of God. All that are in the true faith, that stands in the power
of God, will judge them as carnal, and judge down that carnal
part in them that cries up Paul or Apollos; that their faith may stand
in the power of God, and that they may exalt Christ, the author of it.
For every one's eye ought to be to Jesus; and every just man and woman
may live by their faith, which Jesus Christ is the author and finisher
of. By this faith every man and woman may see God, who is invisible; this
faith gives the victory, and by it he hath victory, and access to God's
throne of grace; in which faith they please God. By this faith they are
saved, by this faith they obtain the good report, and subdue all the mountains
that have been betwixt them and God."
Isaac Penington (Works, Vol. I. p. 272): "What then is that
faith which is the gift of God? It is that power of believing which springs
out of the seed of eternal life; and leaves the heart, not with notions
of knowledge, but with the power of life. The other faith is drawn out
of man's nature, by considerations which affect the natural part, and is
kept alive by natural exercises of reading, hearing, praying, in studying,
meditating in that part; but this springs out of a seed of life
and grows up in the life of that seed, and feeds on nothing but the
flesh and blood of Christ; in which is the living virtue, and immortal
nourishment of that which is immortal. This faith, at its first entrance,
{p. 285} strikes that part dead in which the other faith did grow, and
by its growth perfects that death, and raiseth up a life Which is of another
nature then ever entered into the heart of man to conceive."
(p. 274.) "The true faith (the faith of the Apostle, the faith
of the elect, the faith which saves the stoner from sin, and makes him
more than a conqueror over sin and the powers of darkness) is a belief
in the nature of God; which belief giveth entrance into, fixeth in, and
causeth an abiding in that nature. Unbelief entereth into death, and fixeth
in the death; faith giveth entrance into, and fixeth in the life. Faith
is an ingrafting into the vine, a partaking of the nature of the vine,
a sucking of the juice of life from the vine; which nothing is able to
do but the faith, but the belief on the nature. So then faith is not a
believing the history of the Scriptures, or a believing that Christ died
for sinners in general, or for me in particular; for all this may be done
by the unbelieving nature (like the Jew); but a uniting to the nature of
God in Christ, which the unbeliever starts from in the midst of his believing
of these. Yet I do not deny that all these things are to be believed, and
are believed with the true faith; but this I affirm, that they also may
be believed without the true faith; and that such a belief of these doth
not determine a man to be a believer in tho sight of God, but only tho
union with the nature of that life from whence all these sprang, and in
which alone they have their true value."
Jos. Phipps (Original and Present State. of Man, p. 152): "Gospel
faith in man believes the truth of all that is revealed by the Spirit,
both in the heart; and in the sacred writings; because it feels it, savors
it, and is one with it. It not only assents to the scriptural accounts
of the incarnation, and whole process of Christ in Judea; but it also receives
his internal appearance, consents to his operation, and concurs with it.
That faith which stands wholly upon hearsay, tradition, reading, or imagination,
is but a distant kind of ineffectual credence, which permits the soul to
remain in the bondage of corruption. The wicked may go {p. 286} this
length towards gospel faith; but the true faith lays hold of, and
cleaves to the Spirit of Truth, in its inward manifestations; wherein it
stands, and whereby it grows, till the heart is purified, the world overcome,
and salvation obtained. This faith is as a flame of pure love in tho heart
to God. It presseth towards him, panteth after him, resigns to him, confides
and lives in him. Tho mystery of it isheld in a pure conscience, and in
the effective power of the everlasting gospel, &c. &c. It is the
faith by which the members of Christ truly live, and abide as such. It
is their invincible shield; and the knowledge of Christ in them is tho
proof of their possessing it. Abundance is said of the nature, power, and
effects of this all-conquering faith; but I hope this will be sufficient
to show, though, in its complete sense, it includes a belief of all that
is said of Christ, and by Christ, in Holy Writ, it goes deeper, and ariseth
not in man merely from the man, but takes its birth and receives its increase
from the operation of the Holy Spirit in him; which works by it to the
sanctification of the heart, and tho production of every Christian virtue."