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Lancaster, 30th of 9th month, 1751.

Endeared Friend - I am, thought mercy, as well as I can expect, and my mind brought into the most steady, sweet, stayed, composed humble resignation to the Divine will of our God that ever I have, in any part of my life, heretofore attained to. I desire and hope to hold (?) it by watching and prayer, being sensible we are favoured with a merciful and faithful High-priest who ever liveth to make intercessions for us poor, frail, finite beings. Our integrity and sincerity is known to him who willeth our perfection, and sees the concern of those who, with the apostle, are leaving the things that are past behind, and are pressing on and reaching (?) forward to an advances degree of Divine knowledge in the things pertaining to life and godliness wrought in themselves, not sitting down by the way, and feeling upon old openings and former experiences; but labouring to (?) be renewedly filled with the increase of God in their souls.

Thy assured friend,
