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Alas! for our inattention and ingratitude. But what can be said or done to induce man to do as he
ought, and thereby answer the design for which he was created! I may say, as did the holy man
of old: "Oh! that we were wise, that we understood this, that we would consider our latter end."
It is for want of solid consideration that we mistake, and err from the right path of acceptance.
We are not willing to settle into the child's teachable state; and while we are wise in our own
estimation, refusing to be taught, we shall always be empty and void of the true, essentials
knowledge which makes wise unto salvation.
I was left motherless in my childhood; - but the universal Parent was merciful to an orphan, and
often spoke by the voice of gentle persuasion. He illuminated my mind, and led me to seek and to
fear him who is the Almighty Judge of the quick and the dead. He taught me what was right and
what was wrong; he graciously attended me in my movements, and sometimes filled me with a
dread of his majesty and power. sometimes he gave me to taste and to feel of the sweet effusions
of his love which the blessed enjoy in heaven, as a means to draw me into obedience to his holy
laws and commandments, which were clearly made known by the word of Truth in myself. I
found by communing in my own heart, and being still, that the inward ear of the soul could
attend to its dictates there manifested; and rewarded with the certain evidences of God's
approbations. - Being faithful in the little light received, in that light I saw more light; and by it I
was taught to trust in God in all my ways, and to consult him to direct my paths. It was in and by
the principle of Truth that I was convinced, and enabled to own and embrace the profession
thereof, and to enlist myself as a soldier under the banner of Christ, whose commands and
injunctions are love and good-will to all men.
Now, is it not reasonable, my son, that I should desire my dear children to seek after and find
what I have sought and found; - even the right way to heaven, by living in obedience to the Lord.
For it is a truth, that unless we lose our life in the things of this world for Christ's sake, we shall
not receive the life which is eternal. But this is a mystery to those who barter away their true
happiness for shadows, and by their own unwise choice sell their birthright for mere temporary
gratifications. And let us bear in mind, that if we run for a prize, it will not do to begin the race
and then stop, for if we do so, we cannot gain the reward; there must be a holding out to the end
in faithfulness to what is required, or we shall lose all at last.
These are weighty matter to me, whatever they may be to my children. Thou art young and
choosing thine own way. I am old and have chosen the way of Truth. I have tried and proved it,
and wish thou may "prove all things, and hold fast that which is good." In the freedom of love
to my dear child, I have put on paper some of my advice and feelings in order to relive a loaded
heart; sometimes almost overwhelmed with anxious cares and fears on account of thy safety in
every way; for thou art near and dear to thy mother, not a day passes, but thou art had in
remembrance, and much do I desire that thou was settled or fixed in a situation more secure from
dangers inward and outward; though dangers are in all our paths through life. If I could think
thou sufficiently endeavoured to live, so as to be prepared to die, it would be a solace in my
heart-felt concern for thee; for I know that he who created the earth and the sea, rules over all.
Trust in God, therefore, in all thy ways, and he will direct thy paths. Thus prays thy affectionate
Increase Woodward.