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Left home and went to Burlington; but the boat not going till late, a Friend offered me his place in a wagon, with Benjamin Linton and wife, which I accepted; and we lodged at Thomas Lippincott's, eight miles from the city. Next morning got to Philadelphia and attended the select meeting at ten o'clock, and four in the afternoon; in which many weighty testimonies were borne, and the deficiencies pointed out which have crept in amongst ministers and elders and Friends of the foremost ranks: remarks were also made concerning their children's running after the fashions of this degenerate age, to the shame of our christian society, and the reproach cast on the blessed Truth. Mary Ridgway, f rom Ireland, was there and said she had been exercised for days, weeks, and months, on account of a world spirit's having gained ascendency among us, by our not keeping in the lowliness of true christian humility.

On first-day, I attended two meetings; in the morning at Fourth s treet with Rebekah Wright; and the same in the afternoon with Elizabeth Kerlin, who had a little to communicate at a Friend's house previously, in weakness and fear. A Friend from Evesham bore a solid, affecting testimony; putting us in mind of the rod of the Almighty in time past, in order to humble us; as also his threatening voice in spreading an unknown disorder so universally over the land: so that if it had increased, and his judgments had not been mixed with mercy, where had we been ere now! And even at this time the voice of mortality calleth loudly in demonstrative language, to turn unto God, lest heavier judgments fall upon us. John Simpson rose with these words: "In the latter days, saith the Lord, there will arise false christs and false prophets, who will deceive many;" which he saw had come to pass and been verified in these days. It was a solemn meeting.

After an affectionate testimony form Ann Gaunt, business opened at ten o'clock on second-day morning. The representatives were called, to whom Rebecca Jones gave a suitable and striking caution. In the afternoon the clerk proceeded to read the queries and answers. Lydia Starr rose, and said, "How is the gold become dim,and the fine gold changed, till it has become like the potter's earthen vessels!" - Jane Watson continued on the same subject; and Rebecca Jones remarked that for want of faithfulness, what dwarfishness appeared among the professors of the blessed Truth; so that some might be ranked with the fearful and unbelieving, whose portion they were reminded of. Alice Needham, a New England friend, in a plain manner, reproved the people for their pride, and particularly the youth for launching into the fashions and customs of the world; so that they are not known form others. All the answers to the first query, complained of drowsiness and the neglect of attending week-day meetings; which brought a deep concern on the minds of Friends, and some weighty testimonies were delivered to the meeting.

On third-day, the clerk proceeded to read the Epistles, and it was advised to keep a record of them, and copies of those sent and received, in a book for that purpose. For want of faithfulness, Oh! how dimness and weakness prevail among us! May I improve by the many opportunities allowed me, and learn to keep closer that which first called me out of darkness and Egyptian bondage.

In the select meeting adjourned to fourth-day morning, Jane Watson proposed to Philadelphia Friends, a remedy for the complaints of small and heavy meetings on first-day afternoons, - instead of three in a day, to hold but two; which met with approbation. In the afternoon sitting, men Friends brought in a number of testimonies concerning deceased Friends, Thomas Ross, Hannah Churchman, and many others; the reading of which put me in mind of our neglect concerning Joshua and Hannah Gibbs and Mary Stevenson. Many Friends were exercised on account of the deviations among us, and particularly the neglect of reading scripture.

Fifth-day, meetings for worship in the morning, but I was so unwell I could not attend. In the afternoon, Rebecca Jones, Mary Ridgway, Jane Watson and others, opened divers weighty subjects for the considerations of Friends, towards a remedy for the weaknesses that prevail among us as a christian society; - which seemed to meet with universal approbation, and were direct to be handed down to the smaller meetings. Oh! that we were more faithful! How our lights would shine, and throw the lustre of the glorious gospel around our neighborhoods! But the Lord is at work; may he support his cause through all opposition, and raise his Truth into dominion, high above the dark seat of the dragon and false prophet. I looked home at my own dear children; may the cleave to the Creator of the world for their Rock and their Saviour.

Sixth-day. Attended select meeting in the morning, which concluded; also a sitting of the Yearly Meeting at eleven o'clock, in which three epistles, and the European Friends' certificates were read. A great deal of good advice was dropped, and much concern for the dear youth expressed, with moving counsel to them to seek first the kingdom of heaven, and the righteousness thereof. Oh! that they were wise, and would solidly consider their latter end, and what must follow if they will not make choice of the good. Oh! what a privilege it is to be a member of this society! and how desirable to be a real, solid Friend, attending these meetings from a desire to be benefited ourselves and to promote the cause of truth and righteousness.

Seventh-day morning, met at eleven o'clock. - Divers solid testimonies were born, and much exercise felt for the dear youth. One Friend queried, "what confidence can such have, whose dress is so inconsistent with plainness, and who follow the fashions so much that they cannot be distinguished from the world's people? What motive draws such to sit in our meetings for discipline? They have not the cause of Truth enough at heart, but walk contrary thereto, and appear as a blemish and reproach to our christian church." After a pathetic call to them to repent and amend their ways, followed by at time of fervent prayer and solemn silence, the meeting ended.