Memoir of the Life and Religious Labours of Henry Hull. Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store, 1873. Stereotyped edition. Pages 102 - 105.

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After attending South river Monthly Meeting, we had a very large public meeting in the Mason's Hall, at Lynchburg. The power and authority of Truth reigned, and the practice of holding slaves was shown to be antichristian. Several meetings coming in the course of this week, we preferred riding out of our way, to appointing meetings at such places. We were at Beaver-dam, Goose-creek, and Upper Goose-creek, and had a public meeting in the court-house at Liberty, where it was thought a Friends' Meeting had never been held before. Whilst I was speaking a woman fell upon the floor, appearing as if in great agony and groaning in a pitiful manner, as is not uncommon in the meetings of some societies, and frequently has the effect to excite the preacher to greater efforts. It was, however, the reverse with me, and I felt grieved. The minds of the people appeared to be impressed with a degree of solemnity, which made them attentive to what was delivered, and prepares the mind also to judge correctly, the Holy Spirit bearing witness with their spirits, to the Truth. It was painful to me to think of the meeting being disturbed, and I therefore requested the people endeavour to keep still, and if the woman was likely to faint, some persons could take her to the door for fresh air, upon which she arose from the floor, and apparently much confused, walked to the door, where she sat quietly until the meeting concluded. I am sensible that the influence of the Divine Spirit will at times tender the mind, as well as operations upon the body, and that tears will flow so that it is almost impossible to restrain them. It is, however, necessary for us to guard against disturbing an assembly whose minds may be gathered into serious attention to communications, which in Divine Wisdom may be made interesting and instructive to them. God is a God of order,and must be worshipped in spirit and truth, and engagement to which still and quietude are peculiarly appropriate, in meetings for the purpose of promoting the knowledge of the Lord and his ways, as well as for the performance of that adoration and worship which is due to Him. I cannot unite with the confusion and noses sometimes heart in assemblies professedly religious, and hailed as the might effects of Divine power, which it is to be feared proceed rather from the passions and will of the creature; and while these are in an unsubjected state, the mind cannot be benefited, as the humble and contrite heart often is, when the benign Spirit of the Most High operates as the refreshing dew upon the tender herb - these are they that "shall grow as the lily, and cast forth their roots as Lebanon."

We next had a meeting for the poor slaves held in Goose-creek meeting-house, on first-day afternoon, with the consent of their masters and overseers, several of whom attended. The sight of so large a number together, as nearly to fill the house, was unusual to me, and their dejected countenance and ragged appearance affected my mind, and awakened tender sympathy for them, under which I expressed my desires for their everlasting welfare - endeavoruing, in simple language, to impress on them the necessity of avoiding every evil practice, in order that the great God, whose compassions are toward people of all colours and nations, might bless them, and give them patience to endure affliction in this world, and prepare them for that better world which is to come, where thy would be freed from servitude and suffering. The poor creatures paid great attention, and sat with unusual quietude.