Memoir of the Life and Religious Labours of Henry Hull. Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store, 1873. Stereotyped edition. Pages 59 - 60.

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Crossing the Kennebeck river, we had a good meeting at Winthrop, where a steam of heavenly love flowed through me to the people. After meeting, I incautiously laid down upon a bed, where a current of air blew upon me, by which I contracts a cold, with severe pain in my head and bones, which made riding difficult. We however got to Green, and put up at a house built of logs, and covered with strips of bark, which did not look like a very commodious place to be sick at. I however got to bed, pensive and low in mind, and to add to my affliction, a violent gale of wind arose in a few minutes after, and blew off a part of the roof, while the rain descended in torrents. My fever was very high, and my anxiety of mind considerable; but through the merciful interposition of Him, who for the relief of his poor disciples formerly, arose and rebuked the winds and the waves, saying, "Peace, be still," all my fears were dissipated, and my mind became as quiet and resigned, as though I had been in my own house, surrounded by my family. I passed the night pretty comfortably, and the day following attended their meeting held in Cyrus Dean's house. He and his wife were young Friends, who with a few others, newly convinced, keep up the meeting. One of them was a woman of colour, the first of the African race I had taken by the hand as a member of our Society.