Francis Howgill
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Oh, let not the care of this present life choke that which God hath begotten. Seeing the Lord hath
so marvelously wrought for us hitherto, in the midst of great oppression, let not your faith fail,
nor your confidence in God who delivered Jacob of old out of his adversary, and Israel out of all
his troubles, whose care is over his people now.
Having seen the emptiness of the world and its way and worship, let nothing blind your eyes
again, and let not the things present nor the things to come separate you from the love of God in
Christ Jesus. Mind not them that draw back to perdition, but let it teach you all more diligence, to
be a those who press after glory, immortality, and everlasting life.
The way of God was ever hated by the world and the powers thereof. Never heed the rough
spirits nor the heavy, for their bound is set, and their limit known; but mind the Seed, which hath
dominion over all. And forsake not the assembling of yourselves together in which you have
found God and his promise and power and blessing amongst you, your understanding opened.
Oh, rather suffer all tings than let go that which you have believed; for whoso doth, will lose the
evidence of God's spirit in them, and their peace will be lost.
The Lord God preserve your all unto the end faithful.
Appleby Jail, the 10th. of the 3rd. month, 1664