A Sermon Delivered by WILLIAM SAVERY, 7th month 19th , 1796, at Houndsditch Meeting, London.)
Five Sermons and a Prayer, Delivered at the Meetings of the Society of Friends in England, by William Savery. Taken in Short Hand by Job Sibley. Newtown, PA: Printed by William C. Coale, 1804.

This is The Quaker Homiletic Online Anthology, Section 2: The 18th Century.

There are certain obligations that are the same in all nations and countries; and I would not have you believe, my friends, that when I spoke of the outward and typical things, such as washing, such as abstaining from blood and things strangled, which are not observed in the present day by large numbers of Christians, that I meant to censure any part of the moral Law. No: I believe it never can be dispensed with; but the whole of those things that the council of Jerusalem forbade, are [not] forbidden in all nations as an eternal decree. I thought I might so far explain upon this head, as I do not know, my dear friends, when it may please the Lord to bring me with you again. I feel my heart bound in affection to many of the citizens of London, I wish their everlasting welfare; I seek not you, nor anything that is yours to myself; but all men and my own soul also, to God; that we may with reverence of soul seek him if happily we may find him; that those that are convinced by the light of Christ in their consciences, of what their duty is to God, may, with child-like submission and obedience to his holy will, conform to it in all things; for if it has pleased God to enlighten thee in any matter or thing, as soon as he is pleased to show thee what thou oughtest to do, and thou neglectest thy duty therein, then thou becomest condemnable before him; no man will be condemned for that which God hath not shown him; but I believe it possible for men to neglect the means of obtaining the knowledge of the will of God. Not being serious enough, not seeking it in the way it is to be found. Not asking wisdom of him who gives liberally to all men and upbraideth none. Our all is at stake. If I am an enthusiast in these things, the Lord preserve me an enthusiast to the end of my days. I believe that the whole world, and all the advantages any can obtain, will be indeed as the smallest dust in the balance against the salvation of the immortal soul; therefore it is that I am serious, and concerned for my own soul and for those of others. And I believe that if those who are convinced of the ways of Truth and Righteousness, if they with simplicity of soul acknowledge the truth, and live in the truth of the divine law, they will not only have a gladdening hope of a glorious immortality in the world to come; but they will also be favoured with an hundredfold of peace and joy in this life. I think I know it from some degree of experience, I never knew what true and real enjoyment was in the Lord's temporal blessings, till it pleased him to touch my heart and bring me to a sense of my state, and of obedience to him. I am firmly persuaded that the way the Lord Jesus Christ has cast up for those that will finally be heirs of his kingdom, is neither gloomy, nor improper for a reasonable, sensible, dignified mind to walk in; there is liberty enough, there is room enough; we do not want to rob you of anything; neither did your Redeemer and Saviour, that was truly valuable even in the enjoyment of the present world, not of any temporal blessing which God has granted; the true and solid enjoyment of them is found only by a truly religious mind. Oh! the glorious liberty there is in the truth as it is in Jesus! What are all the opinions of men in comparison to it? how trifling, how light, their senseless contradictions; they are ever changing! There is, my friends, a glorious and blessed liberty in the truth as it is in Jesus, that I would to God all men might enjoy; that so his Church might once more put on her beautiful garments: that all those uncharitable dispositions which are harboured by some, though I hope in this enlightened day, not by a great many, may be removed; God is doing them away, seeking thus his own work; he is abolishing those things which kept us so long at a distance secretly, and will bring them to nought; this is my opinion; and more and more charity will prevail: let us cherish, let us with one accord be willing to live in it, and to die in it; then indeed shall we embrace one another as brethren. There will be no such thing as hurting, or doing one another an injury: the peaceable kingdom of Jesus Christ our Saviour, being established and set up in the hearts of men, would put an end to war, and all the horrors appending to it in the world. Oh! that men might once more embrace one another as brethren, and enjoy the glorious liberty of children of one common family.