A Sermon Delivered by Hulda Rees, Location Unknown, February 13th, 1892.
Rees, Byron J., ed. Hulda, The Pentecostal Prophetess. Philadelphia: Christian Standard Co., 1898, pages 75-79.

This is The Quaker Homiletics Online Anthology, Part Three: The 19th Century.

"The gift of the Holy Ghost."--Acts ii: 38.

The Holy Ghost is a gift to the Church. Jesus was a gilt to the world for the salvation of the world, and the Holy Ghost is likewise a gift to the Church. He is as much a person as is Jesus. But we will not speak at this time so much concerning Him as His work. We will not deal at this time with the doctrine and theory of holiness, though there is much, on this line in the Bible. But we wish to speak of the results and effects of His work.

He was not a gift for the apostles exclusively. In proof of this we find that at, one time one hundred and twenty persons received Him, ,and among them were disciples, such as Mary and the brothers of Jesus. All with one accord in one place, in perfect readiness to receive Him whom Jesus had promised to send. Suddenly He filled them. He did not now take His place us the Shekinah in the Temple, but in the hearts of these believers.

One of the first results which followed His coming was: "They began to speak." The Holy Ghost makes witnesses out of us. These newly-endued people never dreamed they could "live and never say anything about it." They knew they could not live Him if they did not let Him speak. It was He who spake. This was not simply "speaking in meeting," or quoting a text, but it was speaking "as the Spirit gave them utterance."

It was "noised abroad." Certainly! They never tried to keep this great effusion a secret. The Holy Ghost, like Jesus, "cannot be hid." The people will see the effects and learn the cause. The man at Bunker Hill who thought it was only a sham battle suddenly realized when wounded that there were genuine shot.

The baptism with the Spirit drew the people together. He can do this, and does do it, when He comes. He excels all the brass bands and flowery preaching. And when the crowd comes the Holy Ghost at once convicts them. That is His mission. When He comes to the Church as its sanctifier, then He radiates out and powerfully takes hold of the sinner. This occurs whenever He can get possession of a people for a base of operations.

Another effect was boldness. Peter changed from a timid disciple who denied his Saviour into a bold preacher of not only repentance, but holiness. The Holy Ghost always gives boldness when He comes. "Perfect love casteth out fear;" and the fearful, cringing believers who are afraid of the word "holiness" do not have the Spirit, for He gives boldness in using God's own words and terms.

He gives woman the right to preach. "Your daughters shall prophesy," says Peter, and Joel tells us that the prophecy was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. And if women on whom is laid the burden for souls and the work of God, instead of complaining that they "can't preach," their "church or pastor forbids it," would open their hearts to the Holy Ghost, they would preach. They would do it kindly, but they would preach, and no regulation or rules would stop them from it.

The gift of the Holy Ghost made and kept the Church orthodox. They continued, in the apostle's doctrine steadfastly. There, is no one like the Holy Ghost to make and keep the Church sound in doctrine. He has been very properly termed "the Conservator of orthodoxy." After all, doctrine is very important. The most theologically sound person is a thoroughly sanctified one, for the presence of the Spirit clears up theological difficulties. The divinity of Christ, the importance of the blood, the personality of the Comforter all these matters straighten themselves under His tutelage; but so long as He does not come and inbred sin is present, so long will it plead for unsoundness in doctrine.

But these sanctified, Spirit-endued people not only continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrine, but also in fellowship. They not only had the theory, and were sound theologically, but they had real Holy Ghost fellowship with each other. They came together from various walks of life, with divers ideas and opinions, but they had fellowship one with another. It is thus to-day. People of different denominations, with different theories and beliefs, meet on a common platform and enjoy real fellowship.

There was steadfastness "in prayers." Preachers are asking: "How can I get my members to prayer meetings?" Some advertise that there will be "a short, spicy service" and "good singing," etc. But if the Holy Ghost comes to a Church, He will put the praying into the people, and He will add all the spice needed. This spice in prayer will be sweet to the one who knows Him, but will probably bite the tongue and throat of the indifferent Christians.

The Holy Ghost brought fear upon the people round about the Pentecostal Church. Holy Ghost experience always does that. He brought also to the heart of the disciples great gladness. Joy is not the Holy Ghost, but He brings it when He comes.

"Singleness of heart." Ah! here is a most valuable result! Pentecost makes our hearts to love God with singleness of affection. We adore Him and worship Him with undivided love. Not only is the eye single, but the heart is a unit for God. Glory !