A Sermon Delivered by ELEAZAR BALES, 8-19-1880Westfield, Indiana Conservative
Friends Meeting
Previously Unpublished Material Transcribed from Archival Manuscripts by Tom Roberts,
Made available to the editor by Edsel Burdge.
This is The Quaker Homiletics Online Anthology, Part 3: The 19th Century
I feel like alluding in a few words in relation to spiritual gifts of our Savior. After he had fulfilled
all righteousness he gave spiritual gifts to men. Some apostles, some to prophets, some to
evangelists and teachers. It was designed for the edification of the church, or the people
constituting the church. Feeling that a little portion or measure of this spiritual gift has been
dispensed unto me, poor and unworthy as I am and feel myself to be, it has seemed to me in my
small measure my duty to persuade people to be Christians, for it is an awful thought to leave this
world without a hope for the bereaved relatives that they have gone to rest. Therefore I have felt
it required of me to encourage and persuade people to become willing to follow the Lord Jesus
Christ who has done so much for them here, for the support of these temporal bodies, and gives
ability for the enjoyment of heaven here after what is there in our way dear brothers and sisters?
We are all accountable to God for sin; what is there in our way from being just what God would
have us be, loving one another and our Heavenly Master above all, doing just as Christians should
do; loving one another as they love themselves, doing to others as we would have them do to us
is a law that cannot be changed, neither should we desire to change it, because it is based on the
principal of justice and equity. Therefore I desire to encourage and persuade sinners to become
Christians seeking not after the reward of this world, but for an eternal reward that fadeth not
away, hereafter. I have lived many long years and the journey has been attended with many trials
and besetments, so many kinds of losses and crosses, even enemies with in and enemies with out.
The traveler must need expect these trials and tribulations on his journey. Many no doubt many
have embarked on this journey and experienced these besetting seasons, become discouraged and
almost ready to look back from whence they have come from that land of bondage and sin. Dear
brothers and sisters do not look back but press on in the faith trusting the Great Leader for ability
to travel on through all opposition that you may meet with on your journey. The old accuser is
seeking the destruction of the whole human family, and I have thought sometimes in his
transformation that he endeavors to make his way pleasant and smooth to the traveler,
transforming himself as it were into an angel of light that he might deceive us. We are so apt to be
drawn away and follow the teaching of the enemy. We know him to be our enemy for he proved
himself to be son in the destruction of our first parents. He was a liar and went forth with a lie in
his mouth to deceive them. They being deceived, lost the crown of innocence. That which they
had lost they could not confer upon their children, so it is we lost the crown in consequence of
that fall of Adam. It does appear to me sometimes that the enemy is at work in the Church of
Christ. May we become watchful, guarding against that untiring enemy, guarding against
indulging in carnal desires that are in our way of getting to heaven. There is another way but it
leads to ruin, the end of it is destruction. God in his loving kindness will keep us out of it, if we
will keep our eye single to him.